Rates & Tariffs

Access APL’s global rules tariff, our common rate tariffs for all ocean trade lanes and the essential terms for all U.S. service contracts

Please note that effective April 1st, 2021, APL is transitioning our Tariff to align our rules and surcharges more closely with our parent company, CMA CGM, for all shipments carried under APL Bills of Lading.

APL Rate Tariffs

APL Rules Tariffs

  • A list of APL rules governing all commercial rates and service contracts worldwide.
  • Search for commodities and retrieve relevant shipping information

All information contained herein is true and accurate and no unlawful alterations will be permitted.

Organization Name
American President Lines, LLC / 000240
1515 N. Courthouse Road, Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22201
United States
Organization Type VOCC
Tariff Publishing Officer Christopher THOMAS
Contact No (615) 483-6250

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